I've been wanting to do this for a while. We have been getting lots of video of the kids, especially since Aiden was born, but I wanted to document the fun and cute things that Jacob says now, especially since his speech advances quickly the older he gets. Here is a glimpse at some of his words that we hear the most.
Today for the first time I heard him say "dog" when referring to his best friend, Blue Doggie. BD used to be known simply as "woof."
"Massey" = paci(fier)
"Shhhhooshe" - his painstakingly articulated and very deliberately executed attempt at "juice." This is one of my favorites, mostly because it takes him so long to get it out. He has to slowly form his mouth, then gently push that first "sh" out. I think he goes so slowly with it because he is trying to say the "j" sound each time. He just has not figured out how yet.
"Shoosh" a quicker version of "juice," this time it means "shoes."
"Shews" is his word for "Jews." Ok, I am kidding about that one.
"Sissy" for Melanie, who also is known as "Meh," not to be confused with his word for Mommy, which is "Ma."
"Boo Foo" is Blues Clues
"Shoo shoo" is train ("choo choo"). His current favorite books are all Thomas The Tank Engine, and he loves anything train-related on TV.
"Mice" is mess, one of his most frequently recited words. He is a very neat 2 year old. Sometimes.
"Bice" is bus. Another frequent word, particularly when in the car.
"Chuck" is truck, the word that is used for all non-bus vehicles on the road. He will get car sooner or later I am sure...
My all time favorite so far as to be his word for chocolate. "Ca-ca." I rolled on the floor for days when I first heard him use that one! Of course, now we all have adopted this word when asking for or referring to chocolate.
"Ah-mo" is Elmo, of course. His favorite TV character. He has not really come up with a word for Barney, but he still loves the episodes we recorded for him 2 years ago.
"Miwk" is milk
"Yan-yee" is Landry, our cat
"Ah-ga" is a word he used both for our neighbor Audrey (one of Melanie's best friends) as well as Ah-ga's younger sister Juliette, another good friend. Juliette is a good sport and tries to help Jacob learn her name. She takes it well that for now she had to share a name with Ah-ga. Now Jacob is able to say "Ju-ju" for Juliette, and Audrey is now just plain "Audrey."
"Ba-oon" is balloon
"Do-Do" is Diego, one of his favorite TV shows.