Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Some more fun words from young Jakey

"Dace" = Grace, Mel's good friend

"Sissy Dance" = Mel's dance studio

"paygow" = playground

"pasha" = pasta, his favorite food

"fietuck" = fire truck

"Iceytruck" = Ice Cream Truck, one of which he has yet to see live in person. But he has seen lots of pictures in books!

"Bus stop" = school bus. He is still working on the difference between the bus and the bus stop. Interchanges them when referencing them in a sentence.

Identifiable if not perfectly articulated words include:
juice (pronounced very slowly and deliberately so he gets it right, very cute to watch him say!)
school bus
come on, as in "come with me!"
"taa daa" with big raised hands, one straight over his head, and the other aimed at whatever he is referencing, for purposes of introducing whatever he is presenting when he says it. Also very cute. He does this for dinner. "Sissy, come on, dinner!" Then when she gets there, he gives a big taa daa with the hand gestures. Gets us laughing every time!
whip cream