Michelle and I figured we better start writing down some of Aiden's firsts before they disappear from our collective deteriorating memory.
scooting - not crawling position but able to get across the room October-December
crawling - December 17th - army crawl December 24th for lifting up body some - mid January has perfected crawling
standing - holding on to things with us super close by December 30 - Pulling up some by January 1
2 teeth - bottom - December 30th
STOOD!!- 1/26
Sitting early October
Rolled everywhere for months
kiss sound with mouth - 1/24 - keeps blowing them to Sissy :)
Really getting good at pulling up and can balance for a second by himself. Can stand for extended period of time holding on to somehting or hold one finger of ours.
Feb 7 ate cornbread - first non-pureed food!!!! :)
Also learned how to sit down from standing without falling...and is starting to cruise again!
March 1st - really getting fast with the cruising - booked around the whole coffee table
likes to climb up the stairs of the slide and loves to climb up the staircases. Still not a fan of going down
Lights up anytime he looks at Jake or Sissy. Started a new game of stealing Jake's paci....cracks them both up!
Two new teeth! Front top left and top right molar.
March 2nd - ate cheerios for the first time. Jake is excited about Aiden eating real food. Jake likes to eat the baby snacks and likes to offer his half eaten portion to Aiden. Aiden's food list is growing - bananas, cheese, baby finger wheels, yogurt, LOVES corn - likes to "sing" while eating. The more he likes the food the louder he hums. Based on humming volume cheerios and corn are current favorites :)
Loves to make raspberries - cracks himself up while doing it too
Also loves to give Mommy big open mouth kisses. So sweet!